It’s like Heathrow Airport for birds around here at the moment. Or Gatwick. I don’t know the difference regarding which is the better of the two. I’ve never flown anywhere, and never intend to either, so airports are off my radar regarding their busyness, attractions, pros and cons. From what I’ve seen on the telly, they look abysmal places full of queues, grumpiness, disorganisation, people sleeping on benches and drinking overpriced coffee and therefore, quite frankly, I’m glad I’ve never experienced them. Anyway, shed loads of birds in the Damson Cottage airways, and soon to be more added to the mix because… Babies! These are the blackbird babies in Tree House Nest. Andy took a sub-second snap on his ‘phone - in and out like a whippet - and this is what he caught. Honestly, they’re all mouths at this stage aren’t they? Father Blackbird has been very busy collecting up beakfuls of buggy disgustingness from around the garden to feed his screeching brood. I’ve noticed one of his f...