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Bag o’Beans and Other Birthday Stuff

 I’ve just purchased one of these, from an independent crafter on Etsy, and I wish I had purchased one ages ago…

It’s a bean bag, for my iPad to sit in! Now, instead of holding my iPad in my left hand and causing myself unnecessary achey wrist bones and tendon strain, I can nestle the device in its own bean bag, freeing both hands from the stresses and strains induced by wrangling technology. Also, it is saving me from developing a double chin from looking down because now I am looking up and forwards when reading. ALSO, when I am doin’ the FaceTime, I can do other things as well, like cook whilst I am chatting because my family have an unerringly accurate ability to call just as I am straining potatoes/ making a cake/ kneading bread dough i.e jobs that require employment of both hands. ALSO, when I am working at my desk and need to use both laptop AND iPad in order to do my VERY important work, I can have the iPad sitting nicely up and to one side and at the back of my desk for easy access and reading, instead of trying to balance it next to the laptop where it slides all over the shop and causes me low level annoyance, especially if Bambino gets involved, which he invariably does. 

Bambino is regarding my new purchase with suspicion. I don’t know if it is the cat print fabric to which he is objecting, or whether he is eyeing it up as a bean bag for himself. He won’t fit, I can tell him that now, because he is a heffalump. However, this will not stop him trying to climb in it at some point. 

Now, as you know, it was Bambino’s birthday on 4th May. I don’t know if it is his actual date of birth because he is of unknown origins, having been found wandering the streets as a spindly kitten. So, his birthday was decided upon by Andy the Vet saying, ‘He’s about 10 weeks old’ and me counting back to that being the end of April/ beginning of May (ish) and Bambino looking a bit Darth Vader (ish) and the whole HILARIOUS pun of ‘May the Fourth (Force) Be With You’ Star Wars thing. I remember going to see ‘Star Wars’ at the cinema in 1977 when it was first released (the proper first film, not all these back and forth in time prequel/sequel malarkies that have occurred since). It was what we called a ‘Cousins’ Outing’. I have many cousins, lots of us born in the period between 1965 (me) and 1970 (my sister) and we had these trips out together on occasion. I remember thinking the film was okay, but not really my thing. I expect the boy cousins enjoyed it more. 

Anyway, I now have the onerous task of choosing birthdays for Edith and Sidney. Sidney is definitely an October baby because he was four months old when we bought him home in February. Just need to decide if he is a Libra October or a Scorpio October bunny. I’m erring towards Libra. He doesn’t seem to have the gravitas of a Scorpio. I’ve got a while to decide anyway. 

Edith, on the other hand, is a different warren of rabbit altogether. No idea how old she is at all, let alone what time of year she was born. I put the question of birthdays to her. (I didn’t ask her age, of course - one NEVER questions a lady about her age.) 

‘I can choose my own birthday then?’ she said, when I explained the predicament.

‘Yes, I suppose you can,’ said I. ‘But if you could avoid the clumpy mass of family and friend birthdays I have to deal with between mid-February and mid-May I would be most grateful.’

‘Can I have two birthdays, like Her Maj the Queen?’ said Edith.

‘No,’ said I. ‘Or we’ll all be wanting two.’

Edith pondered this whilst chain-eating a pile of dandelion flowers. ‘I shall consult my astrologer,’ she said. ‘And my numerologist and my Tarot cards. And I’ll get back to you.’

‘Are Tarot cards like Carrot cards, but with a silent ‘t’?’ said I.

‘Don’t be flippant,’ said Edith. 


Anonymous said…
Are you taking bets on when Bambino will demand his own bigger version of the bean bag?
Denise said…
I shall wait to see if he actually tries to climb in this little one first. And then I may consider buying him one of a suitable size for his flumpy, furry tush!

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