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Showing posts from March, 2025

Portrait of a Ginger Noblet

 Hot on the heels of yesterday’s doggie-themed blog, this morning I was summoned to the fence that separates our garden from the neighbours’ garden by calls of ‘Denise!’ and ‘Nell!’ The calls came from the neighbours’ two grandchildren who were visiting their grandparents.  ‘I have a present for you!’ declared the eldest, and through the fence, she passed me this: A very lovely, and very orange landscape portrait of Nell! It’s even got her name on it in bold purple lettering, just in case I should have confused her with a Highland cow, for example, what with Nell being a very similar colour. Isn’t it wonderful?!  Well! This was a marvellous gift and completely made me forget that just ten minutes previously I had nearly met my end in a car crash with a fecking eejit (as they say in Ireland) in a large SUV, who decided it was a jolly good idea to overtake a tractor on a blind bend on a not very wide part of the road, which meant I came face to face with him on MY side of t...

The Curious Incident of Luminous Poo in the Village

 There are many dogs that live in my local village. For example, there’s Princess the Yorkie, Mollie the chocolate Labrador, Flynn the mad spaniel, Hector - another chocolate lab, Dylan the red setter, Ellie who is almost Nell’s cockapoo twin, and Daphne of indeterminate heritage. There’s also a rabid greyhound, a skittish Jack Russell, a shifty-looking collie-on-the-edge and a gorgeous rescued dogue de Bordeaux, none of whose names I know. And a little Daschund puppy whose name I have been told but for the life of me I can’t remember but I think it was something French-sounding.  Anyway, many dogs and they are well-provided for on the toilet front with a few strategically placed dog poo bins. There is no excuse for any doggy doings to be left on the ground.  Recently, though, there appeared on the village website a brief article highlighting the appalling FACT that some dog owners were NOT using the dog poo facilities and were, instead, leaving their dogs’ offerings on t...