I have an urge to do some knitting. I think I mentioned this not so long ago when I thought I wanted to knit a baggy jumper. However, it turns out that what I REALLY want to do is just sit and knit and not have to think about following a pattern. It is the ACT of knitting rather than a finished product I am hankering after. Therefore, then, I shall buy some lovely thick wool and knit a lovely thick woolly blanket because who doesn’t love a new blanket as Winter approaches? I might knit it in squares to sew together, or in long stripes to sew together or as a whole piece on a circular needle although it might grow a tad heavy for my poor old lady arms to deal with… …who am I kidding?? I have STRONG arms because I am a gardener and cockapoo wrangler! But it might become unwieldy - yes, that’s a better word. Unwieldy. Anyway, the important thing is to find some delicious wool to work with, so when I am snuggled under the blanket I’ll look at it and sigh, and say, ‘What a lovely thing...