…is how quickly a dog’s health can deteriorate.
On Friday morning, Nell was bright, perky and her usual bouncy ‘I love life!’ self. She accompanied Lord Malarkey and myself on a trip to the enormous Marks and Spencer’s which is just outside Stoke, but because M&S isn’t dog-friendly (can’t think why - what self-respecting shop wouldn’t want muddy footprints on their floors and their lower display goods rearranged by a helpful puppy dog??) she went for a walk with Andy whilst I dashed in and made my purchases.
When I emerged from the sequin-fest that is currently M&S Christmas, I found Andy and Nell perched on a bench. Andy reported that Nell had slipped whilst climbing onto the bench, on account of its curved front, but otherwise all was well.
We went home. By evening, Nell was holding her front right paw up, and squealed when Andy examined it. Maybe she had sprained it whilst climbing and slipping off the bench? And then she started vomiting and belching. Proper non-stop belching. And then she was sitting hunched up, her tummy tender and sore.
And by morning, she was lame in three of her four legs, still belching and looking very sorry for herself.
Immediate thoughts turned to her having ingested a foreign body. But that didn’t explain the lameness. But two health issues can occur concurrently. Unlucky, but possible. Anyway, Andy took her to hospital for investigations because we both felt this had become a ‘don’t wait and see’ issue.
She ended up having x-rays, blood tests, an endoscopy and then an exploratory operation because it looked like there could be something in her stomach that shouldn’t be there, but it was difficult to tell from the scan.
But no. No blockages, no problems with her stomach, her digestive tract, her heart, her lungs. Dosed up on painkillers and antibiotics, she came home Friday evening looking very fragile, sore and sad. And her rapid decline in health remained a mystery.
There’s a possibility she might have some kind of inflammatory illness, and further blood tests will be required. But today, she is walking fine, eating, peeing and pooping and currently I can hear her in the dining room grating her teeth against an antler. She is back to rights, but just tired following her day of investigations at the surgery. She needs plenty of rest for a few days.
Such a worry. Could have done without it, to be honest.
Get well soon Nell.
I'm so relieved to hear that Nell is on the mend after her sudden health scare. Wishing her a speedy recovery and sending positive vibes your way!