Three for the price of one this evening! A wolf, a moon AND an eclipse! Apparently, the first full moon in January is called a Wolf Moon because it was when wolves were howling at their loudest during Anglo-Saxon times when it is thought the full moons were being given names, because why not? We don’t have many wolves in England now, well, certainly not around Damson Cottage. We’ve got a cockerel called Tootsie who sounds like a trumpet. Perhaps, in hundreds of years from now, the first full moon of the year will be called a Tootsie Trumpet Moon. I’ll start the campaign now, shall I?
Not only is it a full moon tonight (around 7.20 p.m U.K time), it is also an eclipse. The moon will drift into the Earth’s shadow. That shadow will appear across the moon. Eclipse! I shall go out and try to get a photo but generally when I think along those lines, like popping out to see the meteor showers last week, clouds will suddenly appear and scupper my plans. And I shan’t see anything beyond clouds. The Law of Sod at its finest. But I shall try, oh yes I shall.
I feel I need to celebrate the full moon, too, so this afternoon I shall sit for a nice spot of peaceful, mindful meditation. About 2 p.m. Have a listen to the Universe, see what it has to say about this and that. One never knows what thoughts will come one’s way during these moments of quietness, but I bet the Universe will have something to say about the irony of MacDonalds referring to its fast-food outlets as ‘restaurants.’
There is a bit of hoo-ha going on in the nearest market town at the moment because MacD’s have applied for planning permission to pop a ‘restaurant’ on a piece of land that sits on one of the town’s approach roads. Objections are that it would not be in keeping with the town’s historic charter, dating back to the 1200s; that it would not set the right tone to encourage visitors. What? And the mahoosive Muller yogurt factory sitting on the same approach road doesn’t spoil the historical vibe already? Hmmmm....
Personally, I would object on the grounds that their food is awful and the surrounding hedges, fields and grass verges will become littered with junk food wrappers and detritus. But that is because I am a food snob and product of the ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ campaign of the 1970s. I suppose it will bring employment to the town. As always with these matters, there are double edged swords to juggle. (Public Health Warning - please do not juggle with swords. Unless you are a professional sword juggler in which case you are probably covered by appropriate insurance.)
Perhaps you’d like to join in the meditation, too? I’m going to send out some positive thoughts for the terrible situation in Australia for starters. Then see where the vibe takes me.
Happy weekend wishes to you all!