This is my view right now this very minute at almost 4 p.m. I’m sitting and thinking and doing a bit of staring. We’ve had some lovely weather this last week. The only problem with lovely weather is that it highlights that the windows need cleaning. I managed to do the downstairs windows but the upstairs ones require me to find the extension pole to attach to the window cleaning thingummybob, and that’s a bit too much effort at the moment.
Our road is currently closed on the far side of the village for a bridge repair so the traffic is very scant. It’s lovely - very quiet. The roadworks are due to finish on Thursday. I am plotting ways of keeping the road closed for longer. I think some of my plots might be arrestable offences.
A couple of days ago I had an idea for a novel so I’ve started work on that which is very exciting. It will run alongside the editing of a novel I’ve already completed because it’s nice to have two writing projects running at the same time. I’m trying to approach the new idea in a different way to my usual ‘take the inspiration, run with it, keep running, and then run myself into a corner’ way of writing. I am trying to be methodical. So far, it’s a slow process and I am not sure I like it very much. But sometimes you have to try these things in case they work out better than the old way. It might be like discovering that chucking all the ingredients for a sponge cake into a bowl and mixing them up at the same time works just as effectively as the step by step method, only in half the time.
Yesterday, I was not in a good place. I actually drove to the supermarket for some chocolate buttons which goes completely against my anti-UPF and healthy eating protocols, but needs must and my instinct was yelling ‘CHOCOLATE BUTTONS!!!’ at me and I always listen to my instincts. I sat in the car park with the chocolate buttons and I couldn’t open the packet. I ended up stabbing at the packaging with my car keys in order to release the buttons. Reader(s), it was both tragic and laughable.
I am okay today! No chocolate buttons required.
This morning, I took delivery of four novels. I have decided that I’ve been reading too much non-fiction of late, too much in-depth and earnest non-fiction, and it has messed with my head, so I’m diving into a light-hearted fiction-fest which will re-balance the old creative brain cells. And look…
I have set up my piano keyboard in my writing room. There was a lot of dust but I cleaned it off. I am endeavouring to have a little practise every day to improve my disappointingly low-standard skills. (The keyboard is not on the wonk, I hasten to add. My photography is on the wonk.) I might dig out my little blue guitar, too, and pick up with that.
Nell had a bath yesterday. She returned from a walk with Andy smelling decidedly of ‘Parfum de Cow Pat’. But now - hurrah!- she is all fluffy and smells of lovely dog shampoo. I was trying to think how many baths she has had compared with Bambino. Reckon it must be something in the order of 37:1. Which is another reason why cats are best.