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Tidy Up and Start Again

 The UK General Election is only three weeks away and I am still undecided upon whom to bestow my vote. This is usual for me because I have determined Tory blood running through my veins. The only time I haven’t voted Tory in the last 40 years was when John Major ousted Margaret Thatcher as leader of the Conservative Party, and there was something nasty about him I didn’t like, so I voted Green. We got Tony Blair (which still makes me feel nauseous) but as I’ve said before, no point fretting about the past. The problem is, for me, the Conservative Party is not what it used to be. In fact, it feels as if all the major parties have melded into one common governance and not a sliver of tissue paper can be inserted between them. I know there are those who will disagree, but that is my feeling about current UK politics. 

I have thought about not bothering to vote, but feel that would be disrespectful to the work and memories of the Women’s Suffrage Movement. It feels even more important to stand up for my female sex given certain quarters of society want to erode the progress women have made in society, and that includes Labour leader (and likely incoming Prime Minister) Keir Starmer who is on record as stating some women are in possession of a penis. Statements like that bother me. I’m not going to spout on about ‘rights’ and ‘diversity.’ But I am a woman - I have two X chromosomes, and that can never be changed no matter what. Wouldn’t it be great if every human could just get alone with every other human? Because we are all human? And flying pigs existed? 

Anyway, I’ve been reading about the six potential MPs for my area. Our present incumbent is a woman Liberal Democrat. And by all accounts she’s doing a sterling job in the three years she’s been in office. Very proactive, always out and about doing stuff, in touch with her constituents. Seems like a jolly decent, hard-working sort. BUT she represents a party who, amongst other things, wants to legalise cannabis and has a leader in Ed Davey who, again, has trouble defining the fact of ‘woman’ and has inferred that Tories are (please excuse me) ‘c**ts’. Also, their manifesto uses the words ‘Fair deal’ a lot. Define ‘fair deal.’ What’s fair to one person might not be to another. It’s all too wishy washy.

Should I vote for the person representing my area or the party they represent? Am I over-thinking? I’ve got three weeks to decide. I hope I don’t become stuck in the polling booth sighing deeply, being overcome with apathy, and then adding Bambino’s name to the list of candidates and putting a cross next to that. 

I sorted out my office this morning! It had become one of those spaces that made me think, ‘How can anyone work in THAT mess?’ I shifted a bit of furniture, organised my craft cupboard so more things would fit inside that, and gave my meditation altar a good polish with proper beeswax which it appreciated enormously. It’s reaching crystal saturation point now. I’ve recently added to my collection with an iolite and a serpentine. 

I am feeling remarkably balanced and cheerful at the moment despite the impending change of government. I think the reiki is working. 


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