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The Things People Say

 Things people say when they meet Nell:

  • ‘Oooh, she’s full of energy, isn’t she?’
  • ‘Gosh, what a bouncy pup!’
  • ‘Well, I wish I could jump up and down like that.’
  • ‘What a happy, waggy girl!’
  • ‘She’s an excitable one, isn’t she?’
  • ‘Does she ever have calm moments?’
  • ‘Aaah, the exuberance of youth!’
  • ‘Full of life, I see!’
Things people say when they meet me:

‘You look weary.’

A bit rude, maybe, and often it’s not said out loud, but I understand the look on a person’s face when they see me being taken for a walk by Nell.

Anyway, Nell walked me today, as per, and it was nice not to come home with wet jeans hems on account of all the undergrowth that is swamping the towpath of our favourite canal side walk. I’ve also been having a ‘tick list’ day, doing the life admin stuff that needs doing and which also makes me feel weary. I’ve ordered a tank load of oil (arriving tomorrow, possibly Friday), I’ve booked my car in for its first ever MOT. Can’t believe I’ve had my little red motor for almost three years! I’ve ordered some new cushion covers to replace the ones chewed by Nell, now she is out of her chewing cushions phase. (I’m wondering if I’m brave enough to order a new dining room rug, too. Still meditating on the answer to that one!) I’ve ordered some picture frames for three linocut prints I bought AGES ago and which are still sitting rolled up in the tube in which they were delivered. They’re no good in there, are they? 

Santa Claus a.k.a Peter the Chimney Sweep is sweeping the chimney on Friday morning. I’ve bought myself to a couple of frivolous novels. Usually, I borrow novels from the library but their choice is limited (being a small library) and I fancied reading something that hasn’t been read by someone else first, probably in their toilet. I also took the opportunity (for free delivery) to (ssssshhhh) buy some Christmas presents. I know, I know - hush my mouth. But done is done. And it’ll come round quick enough, just you see. 

I’ve potted on the baby sage seedlings - twenty five in all. Big ol’ sage harvest in 2025! Oh, and I bought a new peg bag. Nell ate the old one. I was going to make one but repairing a pair of Lord Malarkey’s trousers finished me off on the sewing front and this bag was in the sale AND comes with free pegs! Bargain! 

I keep having dreams about my childhood home, which is causing me some discombobulation, even more so in that it sometimes manifests itself as an enormous cruise liner, and I think, ‘I’ve never lived on a cruise liner’ and the Universe replies, ‘Oh, haven’t you?’ in that way that suggests I have. Perhaps it’s some past life shizzle. Or the onset of insanity. Anyway, I shan’t worry about it because I am also trying to live by the Five Principles of Reiki, one of which is ‘Just for today, do not worry.’ 

Chatting to my neighbours just after lunch, they informed me that their six year old granddaughter (with whom I sometimes have conversations through the fence) told them that I am ‘a lovely lady, who is interesting and speaks really nicely.’

I’ll take that.

Here’s Nell in a rare calm moment. Either asleep, or listening for sofa beetles…


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