Of ‘A’ levels, I have none. I do have eight ‘O’ levels and a 2:1 Honours Degree in English Literature, but there’s always been that ‘A’ level shaped ‘hole’ ‘twixt the two which, over the years, I’ve thought about filling just because I do like things to be neat and tidy. And I am addicted to life-long learning so embarking on a ‘A’ level here and there would have been fun especially as the choice has broadened through the years. I did start 6th form and ‘A’ levels, my choices being English Literature, Biology and French. Well, I say ‘my choices’ but there was a bit of railroading on the part of my grammar school in that they wanted me to do either Arts OR Sciences and not a mix of the two. What they REALLY wanted was for me to do Science - Biology, Physics and Geography but despite doing well at Physics, I didn’t enjoy it and don’t even get me started on Geography. Besides, English was and always has been my passion, and I wasn’t going to give it up without a fight. After some mi...