Happy National Olive Day! I can’t bear olives, so I shall be celebrating National Dinosaur Day instead by pretending to be a pterodactyl. ‘Squawk…squaaaaaark…flap, flap, flappity, flap flap!’ So nice to have an option, don’t you think?
I digress…
I’ve started a new blog as part of setting up my new ‘Hallo Tarot!’ business. I’ve called it ‘Hallo Tarot!’ (I did consider calling it ‘Hallo Sausage!’ but realised this would probably cause an element of confusion amongst potential readership. Don’t want to attract any unsavoury types, eh? The newbie blog can be found at:
Of course, I shall continue with ‘Oh, My Days!’ because one needs a space to vent one’s spleen and chat witty shite about every day shizzle. Also, I’ve started writing the Much Malarkey Manor Christmas Story 2023 (I know! How organised/sad is THAT???) and it will need a suitable platform.
Now I need to go and bottle some of this initial-flush-of-excited-enthusiasm that I’m feeling with the launch of a new project. Something to quaff on when I’m having days when I wished I’d never started ANOTHER blog because it’s ANOTHER thing I have to deal with, and doesn’t the Universe realise I have ENOUGH to deal with already, for chuff’s sake?
Feel free to read, or not read, as you will. I know the subject won’t be up everyone’s street. If everyone liked everything, I’d be reading about Doctor Who.
Here is Nell, reading my new blog over Lord Malarkey’s shoulder. You can see she is riveted…