You will have to crave my indulgence today because I want to say how inspired I have been in the last couple of days by three strong women, namely Vera, Cat and Heather, because that’s who they are. Their inspiration is embodied by the above quotation which I wanted to share. This is what they can do. This is who they are. And who I hope I am, too. I’ve had conversations with them all in the last 36 hours, and I thought, yes - they’ve got this life thing.
I have also been inspired by the author of this book:
Dr. Gladys is 102. She is still working in holistic health and she has a 10 year plan going forward in her life! An example that it is never too late to do anything. That the best way to honour the life we are gifted is to live each day in hope and activity, and in the pursuit of making a dream become reality.
And during the conversation with Cat, she brought up Shirley Valentine and this:
When I was thinking about starting a business last year, the doubt kept creeping in that maybe I was too old to start a new venture. Maybe this ‘Hallo Tarot!’ was something I should have started years ago, and I had missed the opportunity. Maybe I wasn’t good enough, or confident enough. Yet I had all these ideas, these visions, buzzing around inside me. I had plans for growth and a picture in my head about how I would be living and working in this final third of my life.
So many women put their lives into the service of others. So many women step back into the shadows of family. So many women are hugely creative and innovative yet they don’t trust themselves to let courage catch up with their passion. And I don’t think it is a lack of wanting to be the best they can, to unleash their hopes and dreams. I think it is a fear of letting down those who rely on them for the stability they give.
I think what I want to say is this - ladies, wear your shiny, glittery crowns on heads held high, rock the boat on those calm waters, charge the chariot through the crowds. Break down the walls. Live your best hopes and dreams, starting just one day at a time.