Remember the King Charles III rose bush I bought in celebration of the Coronation back in April? Well, it has produced its first bloom!
The ‘Hallo Tarot!’ website is almost complete! Just a few more tweaks to make and then I hope to press the launch button at some time over the weekend. I realise that I shall probably want to make changes during the following weeks, but sitting on it and faffing around with it in the pursuit of perfection seems a waste of time. I won’t know how practical it is unless it’s ‘live’ so there’s no point in waiting.
Today, the moment arrived in the design process that I’ve been least looking forward to, and that was the Taking of Photos of Me. I’ve never been fully confident in how I look and whilst I realise I am a generally decent-looking sort of person, I’m still never really happy to see images of myself. However, this is something I need to overcome. His Lordship ‘Lichfield’ Malarkey took on the role of Official Photographer and snapped away until we had an enormous assortment of shots from which to select half a dozen or so to go on the website to (hopefully) convey my personality. I think that’s been achieved with relative success.
Countdown to lift off, then. Watch this space…no, not THAT space…THIS space…