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The Puppy Has Landed!


Here she is! After a car journey lasting almost an hour and a half, we arrived safely home suffering only two farts and a tiny bit of sick which narrowly avoided going in my ear. Nell sat on either my lap or my shoulder the whole way. She whined only for a couple of minutes after we set off and after that was generally calm, panting just a bit and having the sickie moment only after we came off the smoothness of the motorway and started on the winding country lane roads home, which, quite frankly, make me feel nauseous and I am a seasoned traveller. 

The afternoon has been filled with video conferences with Puppy Sister Heather, Puppy Gran aka my Mum and First Adventures in a Garden. There has been much playing with new toys, chewing cardboard, peeing on the dining room rug and kitchen floor, pooing on the dining room rug, and practice barking at a flashing toy. (The dining room rug has been cleaned, rolled up and put away until toilet training has been achieved. I don’t want her to adopt it as pseudo-grass facilities.) When she got tired, I put her to bed in her crate. She did the ‘I’m not tired but I am tired’ toddler act, whining and trying to engage me in play so I’d open the crate door, but I held firm and within three minutes she was in her bed fast asleep. 

She has wolfed back the chosen puppy food which is jolly good as I bought three bags of it. She has been drinking well, and standing in her water bowl and sploshing water everywhere. She has been exploring, watching TV, getting her head stuck in my tea mug. And twenty minutes ago, when she woke from Nap Number Three, we whisked her into the garden (under torchlight) and within a minute she did her first garden wee! 

All in all, I am surprised how relaxed and sociable Nell has already been, given less than 12 hours ago she was still in the company of her siblings in familiar surroundings. She’s been trotting around after us, learning ‘fetch’ and responding to her name. She’s even keen on Bambino, and whilst Bambino has also shown an interest and hasn’t run away and hidden, I think it will be a while yet before full entente cordiale is met between them. 

She had another play following her inaugural garden wee, and then took herself off to her bed for another snooze. It’s been a full on day of new experiences for her. I bet she’s pooped! 


Anonymous said…
Sounds like a really good day. She will settle in, in no time
Denise said…
She seems to be doing okay so far, KJ. I keep thinking how many new things she’s experienced in the last couple of days alone, and how well she is doing.

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