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One Week and Counting

 Excitement levels are ramping up chez Damson Cottage, because it is now EXACTLY one week until ‘Nell Day’ when we shall travel to Derbyshire to spring this little pup from her prison…

I know, it’s not a prison. And I also know she spends a lot of time romping around outside the prison. We received a video this week of Nell and her siblings having a very boisterous puppy playtime! She’s not hard done by at all. No, this is a puppy crate and puppy crates are a VERY important part of training a baby dog into good, sociable habits. And giving them a safe space to sleep because puppies need a lot of sleep and sometimes, like toddlers, they don’t realise this. But look at that little face! Isn’t that little face saying, ‘Let me out! Let me get at the World!!’? 

I’ve been watching loads of videos about crate training, and one in particular made me snort with laughter. It’s a dog training bloke from Essex (accent: think slightly less Cockney, but only slightly) and he was saying that he has NO time for people who won’t crate train their new puppy because, ‘Awww…it’s cruel and the ikkle likkle puppy is part of the family.’ The Essex Trainer said, ‘You wouldn’t bring a new baby home and leave it lying around on the floor or the sofa, would you? You’d put it in a cot, to keep it SAFE until it was bigger and stronger, and then you’d move it to a big girl or big boy bed! So a crate is a puppy’s cot! Paint unicorns on it, if it makes you feel better!’ I felt he wanted to add ‘you imbeciles’ to the end of his rant, but he runs a business and it’s never prudent to fling public insults at your potential client base. Anyway, he did make me laugh. 

We are crate ready. I’m going to erect the crate in the next couple of days so Bambino gets used to it being in the living room before Nell arrives. I shall keep the door of it closed in case he decides to move in. I have a round squishy bed with high sides to make Nell feel safe and keep her warm. I realise there is a likelihood she will chew it, but she will also outgrow it, therefore I am hoping she manages to combine growth + complete destruction = new adult bed with perfect timing. I have a puppy sling and car crate for outside adventures until she is fully vaccinated. I have a variety of toys including a couple of those feeder puzzle games which, if she doesn’t like, I’ll play with. I have piddle pads, poo bags, a slicker brush. I already have a selection of other combs and brushes because of woolly Bambino. I tried the slicker brush on Bambino and he loved it! Bizarre. 

I have a Puppy Kong (original) and a Puppy Kong, called a ‘Wubba Pup’ which I find an irritating name. I have six weeks’ worth of puppy food - James Wellbeloved Turkey with Kale and Quinoa. I have a microfibre dog towel, and a large blanket (red - my Mum won’t like it) which I plan to cut in half and hem the raw edge so there is one in use and one in the wash. 

Andy is in charge of buying: microfibre teeth cleaners (which you slip onto your finger to clean your puppy’s teeth), ear cleaner, shampoo and nail clippers. And sorting out her name tag registration. He can get all these from his surgery. He wants to consult the vet nurses re: best nail clippers because they are an authority on these matters. 

And we shall take Nell to a pet shop for proper fitting of collar, lead and harness. And to buy food and water bowls because I need to see these items in person before decisions are made. 

We are as close to being Puppy Ready as we shall ever be, given there is always an element in these matters called ‘The Great Unknown.’ 

Adventure and much malarkey larks ahoy! 


Anonymous said…
You are more prepared for Nell than most people are for getting a baby!! Good job! I agree with the crate guy. Sound advice. We had one for Doc but gave up on it when he broke out of it for the third time! Well, he was five when we brought him home so no puppy.
Denise said…
I’m anticipating Nell not needing a crate eventually, but it makes perfect sense to have one in the early days whilst we are socialising, training and all that jazz. The whole preparation thing is me just wanting to do things properly and make sure she has a long, happy and healthy life with us! And NOT at all an excuse to go out shopping….🫣🤫

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