There’s an advert, currently on the BBC, which has me yelling at the TV every time it appears. Fortunately, I don’t see it very often. I am too busy doing other more important things these days than watching television. These things include:
1) raking up leaves. And more leaves. Then extra leaves. Etc.
2) tidying up the veg garden and drying seeds for next year. I even uncovered a couple of late arrival courgettes. The vegetable that keeps on giving!
3) weeding weeds that shouldn’t be appearing until next year but are going great growing guns upwards, on account of the extremely mild weather we are currently experiencing. Buttercups are being especially virulent.
4) cleaning windows. I know. Thrilling.
5) whipping the plot of the Much Malarkey Manor Christmas 2022 story into a frenzy of festive excitement
6) continuing with Tarot training because customers are forming a bit of a queue
7) wrapping Christmas presents. Yup, all done and ready to go. I know. Go on. Hate me.
Anyway, back to the advert. It’s for the upcoming football World Cup tournament. It begins with a woman saying, ‘We all love football…’
And I shout, ‘No, we don’t! Do not make sweeping assumptions on behalf of the British Public, because I bet a majority of them are like me and are mightily peed off that from next Saturday and for a WHOLE MONTH the only thing the media will be banging on about will be effing chuffing football and how AMAZING it all is. It isn’t! Aaaaarghhhhhhhh!!!!!’
Or something like that.
What makes this World Cup particularly unsavoury is that it is being hosted by Qatar, and their human rights record is appalling. But it’s all about the money, isn’t it? Apparently, some football teams are going to be wearing armbands in ‘protest.’ Pathetic. The best protest would be to boycott the tournament. But it’s all about the money, isn’t it? Women as second class and oppressed citizens? No matter - just as long as the money rolls in. Never mind about the people who died in building the stadium because of terrible health and safety matters - it’s all about the money. Never mind the persecution of the LGBTQIA+ community - let’s just rake in the money, eh? Sorry if I sound cross - but sometimes I feel sick of the hypocrisies of this world. Nothing matters more than football. Disgusting.
And this week, even the chap in charge of whatever sh*t show it is that decides these ‘important’ football matters, admitted he regretted giving the tournament to Qatar. Oh, and it took you a few years to reach this conclusion, eh, Mr Sepp Blatter? (Unfortunately, his name reminds me of a joke told by comedian Hugh Dennis, who always thinks of him as Step Ladder!)
Enough rant. This has been rolling around my head like a rhino with indigestion for a while now. All gone now!
And tomorrow is World Kindness Day. Now that’s a good thing, yes? Much better than a stupid football tournament. I shall focus on that instead.