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Holding the Space

 I had plans to redecorate my writing room as soon as I decided it was going to be my permanent workspace a couple of months ago. I checked out wallpapers, mostly flamboyant ones - well, you know me and my interior design fancies. But then I reminded myself that although my writing room isn’t a teeny box room (i.e small - not a room for teeny boxes) it isn’t that huge either and wallpaper with vibrant cerise flamingoes travelling in hot air balloons over fields of hippos enjoying picnics MIGHT be a tad on the overwhelming side. How about posters or art prints, then? Found a few of those I liked, got as far as putting them in my online basket, then panicked at the cost and emptied my online basket, like someone having a flip-out in the supermarket and abandoning a full trolley. Remember, I had just left my job and was still in the throes of worrying about destitution and repossessions, because I can be irrational like that. 

Or some handcrafted inspirational collage stuff? Motivational quotes made 3-D through cunning use of tissue papers, acorns, and feathers kindly donated by the Idiot Bantams (still alive). Sheer procrastination, I thought. Fun, maybe, but taking time away from the important stuff of Writing and Starting My Own Business. 

I panic bought some paint whilst I was in Wilkos because that day I was on a mission to be proactive and spontaneous, neither for which I have particularly skills. The paint is still sitting in the kitchen next to Bambino’s water fountain. He wants to know when I’m going to move it because it is cramping his ‘networking-at-the-water-cooler’ moments. It’s a sort of teal blue/green colour. It might be right for the room, it might not. I shan’t know until I can work up the enthusiasm to start decorating. 

Which brings me back to the thought that started this blogpost - and that was (because I neglected to tell you in all the excitement - ha ha!) that I am glad I haven’t started decorating the room already. Sometimes, inertia and apathy can be one’s best friends in life. And that is because of this…

Yes, this is Bambino Bobble Wilson being inert this afternoon. He is being inert on my desk. Where I am trying to work. He is enjoying the afternoon sunshine streaming through the window of my writing room. I enjoy the afternoon sun, too, which is why my desk is sited in front of the window. It also gives me a good view over the fields and woodlands AND an excellent vantage point for spotting approaching visitors, delivery drivers, shifty-looking ne’er do wells. (I’d like to point out that shifty-looking ne’er do wells are as rare as a hen’s teeth around these parts, unlike on the estate where we lived in Kent where you couldn’t move for ‘em.) 

Basically, when Bambino and I are trying to use the desk at the same time, space becomes an issue because I like to spread out when I am working, and he spreads out naturally because he is an enormously pouffey cat. He is also immune to being prodded by a pen, I imagine because he has the fur thickness of a woolly mammoth. 

This afternoon, I was (trying) to work on some of my business plan which happened to be focused on ‘Creating A Suitable Work Space’ because some of my work will be conducted from home and it needs to be client friendly. Me, a Client AND a huge cat trying to use the same desk space at the same time just will not work, no way José. 

I need a bigger desk. Or a smaller cat. I could shear Bambino, maybe? I reckon he’d be the size of gerbil if he was denuded of his fur. Oh, but then he’d look at me all reproachful-like, and mew pitifully, probably call the feline version of Childline…he’s looking at me a bit askance now, like he can READ MY MIND….

My other option is to find/create another work space especially dedicated to the running of my business. A second studio in the garden? An extension to the house? A converted van? Oh blimey…where does it all stop? 

It stops now, for the moment, with a nice cup of tea and a biscuit. No need to solve all the problems all at once, eh? 


Anonymous said…
Can you make a desk the size of the room? Spread it out like a counter or is that crazy talk?
Denise said…
I could make a desk to fit the width of the room, yes, definitely. But then, would Bambino always want the area I am using? Probably - he’s a cat…and they operate by the Law of Sod.🙄😂
Anonymous said…
Ad another window...
Denise said…
Nice idea, but not possible in that room, I’m afraid.
Anonymous said…
Bummer. I’m sure it would have suited Bambino just fine to have his very own window.
Denise said…
Fortunately for Bambino, the kitchen has THREE windows and one of those is known as ‘Bambino’s Window.’ I’ve even refrained from putting a pot plant on the sill, so it doesn’t cramp his style. Well, mostly so he doesn’t kick it out and make a mess on the floor for yours truly to clear up.

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