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Hello, Autumn Equinox!

Happy Autumn Equinox, everyone! And thank you for being patient whilst I had a bit of time to sort out a few wobbly bits ‘n’ bobs. (And no, we aren’t referring to bums, tums and bingo wings here!) Here is the garden this morning - sunny day, bit of an Autumnal chill, heavy dew, cobwebs, sunflowers still going strong as the Wheel of Seasons turns a little further. Give it another month and I’ll be once more on the Great Lear Sweep, but for now the trees continue in their green finery and all is right in my world. 

It seems pertinent that I’m back in Blogland as Autumn arrives, on the day when the hours of light and dark are equal, when the Earth is in balance and harmony. I’m feeling balanced and harmonised, too. In calm waters again.Which is nice. 

In celebration of today, then, I am making a lovely Autumn lunch feast for me and His Lordship Malarkey. Currently, he is on a trek to an art shop in Shrewsbury to track down some Very Important Art Stuff. This is a good thing. Art means balance for him. 

Of course, writing is my balance. And you may, or may not (!) be ever so thrilled to know that one of things the Universal Energies had me up and writing in the dim light of 5.30 the other morning was the start of the….(drum roll…wait for it….) Much Malarkey Manor Christmas Story 2022! Hurrah and ta-dah! Oh yes, the idea came through strong and true, and I had to rise from my cosy bed in order to tippetty tap tap on my laptop all the words that were fast spilling from my imagination. I tried to argue, of course.

‘Oh, I’ll remember all this,’ I said, trying hard to cling onto that drowsy time where you can easily slip back into the arms of Hypnos. ‘I’ll remember all these descriptions and pearls of wit and wisdom coming forth from Mrs Miggins.’

‘Now, you know you won’t,’ said the ever-wise Universe. ‘You think you will, but you won’t. You’ll lose them if you go back to sleep. And that will make you cross, which is no way to start the day, is it now? So just get up and write, will you?’

‘Okay,’ I said. And I did. 

The Autumn Equinox, and its accompanying celebration of Mabon, is a time to recognise successes and to let go of things that are no longer relevant or useful in our lives. It is a time to declutter and clean, to give thanks for abundance, and to set intentions that involve the actions of decreasing and reducing, for example, addressing unhealthy habits, poor relationships, and self-destructive beliefs.  

I have been doing a lot of letting go these last two weeks. Because in letting go, you make room for the better, the more creative, the different ways of being to come into your life. Things that were important once no longer hold sway. Things that once bound you and made you feel safe no longer feel right. Values and boundaries shift and realign. And that’s the nature of change, isn’t it? That’s the nature of growing into your Self and being that person you’ve always seen on the horizon, that person you’ve always wanted to be.

 Sometimes letting go can be easy, sometimes heart-breaking. But if you sit with those feelings and let them settle and fade, the reasons for change become clear and you know everything will work out just fine. 

Enough of this philosophising! Today is a day of celebration! I have things to do, food to make, writing to write and a cat’s head to ruffle! (Because Bambino Bobble Wilson REALLY likes his head being ruffled. Don’t you, Bambino?) There is a new series of ‘Ghosts’ starting on the telly this evening, too.

Happy days! Embrace the changes - who knows what magic they will bring?


Anonymous said…
Good to have you back! Happy autumn.

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