Here’s an odd thing. A nice thing, but an odd thing. Yesterday evening, His Lordship Malarkey announced, ‘Lulu (a self-publishing company we’ve used in the past) has sent me £1.14 in royalties. It seems that someone in America bought two copies of ‘A Christmas Malarkey’ almost a year ago.’
Well, how strange! My writing and Andy’s illustrations have earned us £1.14 this year. I almost went crazy and bought a first class stamp with it, but reined myself back and didn’t. Serious investment is to be considered regarding the use of this unexpected wealth…
However, it does give one a little teeny glow of a thrill to know that two copies of one’s book have sold. I get these little signposts every now and again, to encourage me with my writing career. I’m not sure from where the purchases were made because the only one of my books currently available on Amazon is this…
…and even then I don’t know quite how it’s still there - we published it in 2010 - unless my publicist, Lord Malarkey, put it on there as a digital download (£1.99 - absolute bargain for an absolute hoot). The write up also suggests it is for 6 - 12 year olds. Now, I wrote the thing and yes, it is suitable for that group. Ish. I mean, there’s no swearing or indecency. Nothing to offend, as far as I think, but who knows in these crazy days of 21st century wokery? But there are a few double entendres. It’s what I would describe as ‘pantomime in written form.’ Something for all the family. Jokes that adults will get but children won’t. Or shouldn’t.