Excuse all the photos today, but it’s such lovely weather I just had to take the iPad outside and snap a few of the flowers that are blossoming in the newly revamped courtyard. Apart from the roses, they are all flowers wot I ‘ave growed meself from seeds, and I am, as they say dahn sarf ‘well chuffed’ with the resulting blooms - calendula, geranium, French marigolds, sweet peas, cosmos, poppies, sunflowers and nasturtiums. Still more to bloom - dahlias, petunias, evening primrose, poached egg plants, nigella, lobelia - which I’m looking forward to sitting amongst enormously. I set a gardening goal for myself this year to have more flowers in the garden, and that’s exactly what I’ve done!
It’s a bit windy out so the photos aren’t as studied as I wanted them to be. Literally, quick snap and fingers crossed hoping I caught the blooms mid-waft.
I’ve also made a decision regarding my writing career. Having accepted the reality that it is unlikely I shall ever be the renowned and financially successful novelist that I once dreamed of being (because I am neither young, unusual, minority, already famous, controversial) I have decided instead to write because I enjoy writing - no expectations, no caveats, no provisos. I am going to complete two novels that I have already half -written from several years ago, and to self-publish them. I have been working on four more ideas for novels that will share a link with these two, so there will be six in the series. These, then, shall be my life’s work. Along with ‘Clive and Min’ because of everything I’ve ever written, that is the one I shall be most peed off with myself if, when I die, it remains incomplete. I shall also self-publish ‘Night Owls’ which IS complete, but needs a rewrite to bring it up to date.
To this end, my current laptop has decided immediately to be awkward and show its age by forgetting things, stubbornly refusing to do things I ask it to do, taking its time to do function and generally being awkwardly post-menopausal. A bit like me. But that is no good if one is going to be writing and self-publishing, so much research has been done this morning into buying a new laptop which will be up to the job. My technical support expert, Lord Malarkey, has been assisting with this task because he is considerably younger than me ergo understands all the faffy computer jargon. Well, most of it anyway.
Also, I am sorry to see Boris Johnson leave his role as Prime Minister. Not because he ‘broke the rules.’ But because he was a rule breaker. And the older I become, the more I realise there is quite a difference between the two.
Off to sit amongst the flowers now. With a nice cup of tea and a notebook and pencil…