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Bless Me!


I genuinely cannot remember the last time I caught a cold. It’s got to be well over 3 years ago. According to t’internet (which, to be honest, seems to know Jack Shit on the fact front these days) the average adult can expect to suffer between 2 and 4 colds per year, so I can count myself lucky that I’ve avoided my average dose. Of course, in my cockier moments I like to think I am not an average adult, but ‘Feeling of The Day’ today is ‘Contemplative’ not ‘Cocky’ so today I am ‘average.’ 

Hang on a minute… ‘Whomp! (There It Is) by Tag Team is on the radio - I need to get up and dance to it. Back in a mo….

…all done! Sorry about that. It’s like Aerosmith and ‘Walk This Way.’ Both songs make me want to strut my stuff. Still feeling contemplative rather than cocky though, so no harm done. Just a bit out of puff, that’s all.

Where were we? Ah yes - catching colds. Well, on Thursday, as his Lordship Malarkey and I were travelling to his Dad’s funeral (the journey took us an extra hour because the M6 closed due to an accident and we were diverted via Manchester, so we had the added frisson of ‘would we arrive in time?’) I felt my left tonsil flare up and by the time we were eating cake and chatting to complete strangers at the ‘afterwards do’ I was nursing a sore throat and trying not to breathe on anyone. I did this mostly by becoming Chief Washer Upper, steaming my head over the kitchen sink. 

By the time we arrived home I was sore throat + sneezing + a bit headachy between my eyes. 

By yesterday morning, after a tedious night of waking every two hours I was even more sneezing + woolly headed + runny nose. But the sore throat was gone by lunchtime and after spending the afternoon dozing on the sofa under a pile of blankets like a Victorian invalid I was able to go about normal dinner making duties and having a good laugh at a re-run of ‘Are You Being Served?’ on the telly. 

And this morning I am almost done. Occasional nose blow + random ear pop. I reckon by Monday I’ll be back to normal. Or as normal as I’ll ever be.

I’m glad I’ve had a cold, despite the mild discomfort. It has reassured me that my immune system is still packing a punch against germy invasion. 

Today, Andy broke the vacuum cleaner handle. Not by using it to vacuum, but by trying to reach something stored behind it without moving the vacuum cleaner first. I have told him off about this. I’ve told him that not everything can be at the front and sometimes one has to move stuff to access the stuff behind. I’m not sure he fully understand this concept. Today we are also viewing a potential rabbit friend for Edith. We have an appointment at 11.30. An appointment! Honestly, trying to find a rabbit is like seeking gold dust. It’s insane. I just hope she appreciates the efforts we are making. 


Anonymous said…
Colds are good for your system if a bit annoying. I would never had thought it would be this hard to find a rabbit!? I positively hate having to move things to get to what ever I need. I haven’t found a solution yet other than having very slim but long cub boards
Denise said…
I’m at the bunged up nose stage now, KJ, but even that is sporadic. As for the rabbit - well, see the next post!

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