The BBC and ITV appear to be under the allusion that everyone in the land is VERY excited about the European Football Championships, and have consequently smothered their television schedules for the next three weeks with incessant coma-inducing football matches. This means I’ve had to make many book purchases from Kindle because the only TV programme to suit this viewer’s requirements over the next three weeks is the final of ‘The Great British Sewing Bee’ next Wednesday, and then that’s it. If the weather holds out, then the garden is going to find itself very well tended. If the weather turns, well, I now have a well-stocked Kindle App to fulfil my entertainment needs, plus a couple of sewing projects that sprang/sprung/ springed to mind this very day. What is it with football? I’ve never seen the appeal. All that shouting and spitting, rolling around on the floor like truculent toddlers, being paid obscene amounts of money…I could go on, but I shan’t because I did a very lovel...