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Spring Forwards!

 It’s 12th March and Spring has arrived. I know this for sure because Mr and Mrs Duck arrived this morning for their annual ‘let’s make eggy babies’ time chez Damson Cottage. There they are... can just see them in the centre of the photo. They nest in the area of scrubby undergrowth to the bottom left. I love how they arrive at the same time every year. One of these years, I’ll be around when they leave with their babies. We think they go to the nearby canal. Either that or Tenerife. Anyway, Mr and Mrs Duck back in residence, and all is right with the world.

Our resident pheasant, whom I’ve decided to call Alan after Alan Partridge (aha!) has also found himself a lady friend. She appeared last weekend. At first I was all excited because I couldn’t see her long tail and thought she was a grouse. But then I DID see her tail and she is a lady pheasant. Of course, she might be a grumpy lady pheasant and therefore ALSO a grouse. Who knows? She’s very good at camouflage, though. Alan has taken to sleeping up a tree at the top of the garden, and hanging around with the idiot cockerels, Magnus and Tootsie. They mooch around together first thing in the morning like a bunch of dysfunctional teenagers. But now Alan has lady in tow, I guess he’ll have to wave cheerio to bachelorhood and become a responsible parent. Note to self : it’ll soon be time to leave the laundry door permanently open because the swallows will be returning. Must remember to rig up a poo catching tray under their nest to avoid repeat of poo débâcle 2020.

Both Mollie and May have started laying again, roughly every other day. I’ve decided not to get any more hens for a while as the threat of a zombie apocalypse has now subsided so increasing the flock is not high on my current list of priorities. Concentrating on getting the raised beds up and running this year, we are. And developing the rose border. The four climbing roses that were planted on Boxing Day have all put on some leaf growth and are, therefore, not dead, as they’ve been pretending to be these last two months. Phew! 

My studying focus has been cracking on apace. I’m just over half way through my counselling skills course. I had an assignment returned to me yesterday. One of the comments made by the tutor was that my spelling, punctuation and grammar are all very strong. Maybe at some point I’ll mention to her that I’m both an ex-English teacher and professional writer. Still, nice to know I’ve not lost my SPaG touch. I’ve also completed Part 1 of my Healer training. It’s all go here on the new career front. I have tentative plans forming in my imagination about where all this is going, but there is no rush. Plenty of time to spend day dreaming and pondering.

Flora continues to hold steady with her heart problems. Mostly she is okay. I know there is a chance she could pop off to the Great Cat Playground in the Sky at any moment, but she could also stay here a while yet. It will be as it will be. My bout of sciatica has (touchwood) almost abated thanks to my trusty hot water bottle, regular Pilates exercises, some paracetamol and codeine and some swearing. I’ve also been practising healing on myself which has also helped. 

Made spinach, pea and nutmeg soup this week. It was lovely stuff. Very green.


rusty duck said…
If Mr and Mrs Duck are anything like their Devon counterparts they will definitely be wanting to go somewhere warm. The Antipodes maybe?
Good to hear Flora is holding her own. Pass the paracetamol.. I have had my vaccine this afternoon. Sore arm and the start of a headache. I predict a quiet evening sofa bound. Not sure whether I'm allowed a glass of pink Pinot?
Denise said…
I think once Mr and Mrs Duck get themselves buried in their patch of undergrowth they are very cosy, Jessica! I believe they spend the rest of their year on the Costa del Canal, about half a mile away.

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