I had a traumatic experience with a new recipe yesterday and it’s taken me almost a day to recover. What it is, you see, is that I’m attempting to introduce healthier cooking habits by stealth so that His Lordship Malarkey doesn’t notice. And by ‘healthier’ I mean cooking with ingredients I haven’t toyed with much before, hence the trauma of yesterday. Sweet potato and red lentil croquettes, it was. All I can say is that if I’d bothered to read the recipe PROPERLY, I would have known to tackle the preparation of the croquettes in the morning, thus leaving the mixture to solidify accordingly, for shaping and cooking in the evening. Instead, I strode confidently to the kitchen at my usual evening meal cooking time, and realised that the mixture needed a period of time to go cold before the process could continue. ‘Oh, it’ll be okay,’ I said to myself, optimistic as ever in the face of potential culinary adversity. ‘Surely the mixture won’t be THAT difficult to handle.’ ...