Two weeks to change a pathway, that’s all it has taken. Well, two weeks plus 30 years, as I have now come to realise. Two weeks ago I was researching qualifications on The Healing Trust website. I can’t remember what took me to their website, or indeed why I went to their website - just an urge. Or a push from entities more wise than I. That’s more likely.
And then I found myself phoning their central office, to chat to a lovely lady who sent me an application form. And then I was asking my good friend, Jane, to act as referee for my application. And then I was contacting tutor healers, having been drawn to one in particular, who happened also to be the first to respond to my email so I was glad I’d trusted my instinct in contacting her, and then I met her in a Zoom chat, and filled in more forms and experienced a healing session.
And then I was chatting to the student support manager for Region 8, which covers Shropshire, and being given information about supportive local healing groups and finding a mentor. I have paid my membership fee and registered for Parts 1 and 2 of training. Reader, I am now a Student Healer with The Healing Trust.
All this has happened with ease and simplicity. I’ve barely thought about what I’ve done these last two weeks, mostly because if I had thought about it, I would have over-thought and then talked myself out of it. No more the errors of the past for me. Instead, I surrendered myself to the flow of events. Just done it. No procrastination, no strapping on a parachute, no checking if there was a safety net installed. Just jumped. It’s been like stepping onto a free flowing, gently bobbing cloud, scudding across well-lit sun-warmed skies. I allowed myself the comfort of a self-Tarot reading. The cards said all was well. And that was good enough for me.
My training begins on 28th February. It will continue for around two years. And then I can apply to attend a Panel to be approved as a Healer Member of The Healing Trust. It feels absolutely the right thing to be doing now, after all these years bumbling around. The right journey on the right pathway at the right time. I feel I am being quietly absorbed into new life.
Also, I’ve enrolled on a short Counselling Skills course. It’s equivalent to GCSE. I don’t need to be doing anything more complicated or in-depth. If I do, it won’t be long before I start feeling the urge to tell people to get a grip and pull themselves together, and that would be wrong and drag me back to old ways. That would never do. This short course feels the right thing to be doing. It’s just enough for my purpose. When the Counselling Skills course is complete, I have two others lined up, both of which will complement and enhance my training as a healer.
I have books and articles to read in preparation, to keep me engaged, to give me good, focused work to do before the formal training begins. They embrace all aspects of healing - the spiritual, the scientific, the global, the practical, the holistic. After a few months of being stuck in a frustrating fug of feeling like I was doing nothing and going nowhere other than into a steady life decline, I find myself bright and enthusiastic once more, purposeful and productive.
It is good!
It is how I like to be. It is all to the best of causes.
And I feel privileged and blessed to be stepping forward onto this new life pathway.
I shall leave you with one of the many messages of encouragement I have received from those who know me and know how important this recent process has been. Thank you and bless you, then, KJ, for this quotation from the American mythologist and writer, Joseph Campbell:
‘If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. Follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.’
No truer words spoken, Olly. 🙂