A more detailed investigation of Flora’s heart scan has shown she has a bulge - an enlarged heart - which means heart disease. It’s not great news, but it’s not tragic news, not just yet. She’s now on diuretics to bring down fluid congestion and then, if all goes well with that, she’ll be on medication several times a day for the rest of her life.
This morning, as Andy was rushing back to the hospital to get her a change of medications, I sat with her on the bed, watching over her as she hunted for breath, her little chest heaving and wheezing with such gargantuan effort. I couldn’t believe how quickly this disease has manifested in her, and I was tearful because I don’t want to lose her, not just yet. She’s been with us since she was 2 weeks old, almost 8 years now. She is such a charming creature, and she is much loved by both myself and Andy.
And I sat and tried to be objective so I could give more healing energy. Thank you to everyone who has sent their healing thoughts, too, and The Healing Trust for putting her on their distant list last night. I know it has helped.
This evening, her breathing has eased somewhat. She’s pottering to the kitchen for bits of food here and there, and to drink from the water fountain. I’ve given her Marmite, a favourite treat. All the while she is interested in Marmite I know she is okay. Bambino seems to know she is not well as he has refrained from his usual rambunctious play times and is treating her with deference and respect.
All is quiet. Tomorrow is another day.