My little Flora Bijou Mybug isn’t very well at the moment. Over the last three or four weeks she’s become wheezy and just not quite right. You know when you can sense these things with your animal companions? She’s just not quite right.
Last week she had blood tests which came back normal. Yesterday, Andy took her back to hospital so he could check her heart and lungs. She was sedated and scanned - heart fine, lungs fine. But a wash from her trachea brought up evidence to confirm what Andy and his colleagues suspected, and that is that she has chronic bronchitis, otherwise known as feline asthma.
Steroid treatment, then. And the possibility of a little asthma pump, in case things get worse. Still no evidence to suggest the reason she had that weird epileptic type moment two weeks ago.
Today she has been very wheezy still. Purring and responding to us, but not interested in eating or drinking. Wanting to keep herself to herself. I’ve sat with her every day this week and tried to channel healing for her. It’s difficult when you love a little creature to try and remain objective enough that the healing energy can travel through you to its target, but I’ve tried. I trust that it will benefit her somehow.
She might still be woozy from the sedation she had yesterday. She might be inflamed and feeling bruised from the trachea wash she had. It might take a couple of days for the steroids to do their job and help her.
I don’t know. All I do know is that she isn’t quite right.
Thank you, Vera - gladly received. x