It had to happen, of course. Once you’ve trained to be a teacher, the knowledge stays in your blood, circulating like one of those irritating earworm songs that embeds itself in your brain and REALLY gets on your nerves. No matter how much you attempt to put distance between the ‘I WAS a teacher’ and the ‘Now I’m living a life of calm reflection and blissful sanity’ the urge to stand in front of a class and spout wisdom will eventually overwhelm until you are sucked back into the frenzy, because you are a FOOL to yourself.
Yup, I’m going back to teaching.
It’s NOT what you think! Oh no, diddly no no!
I’ve been asked if I would like to step forward and deliver some arts and crafts sessions. The learning objectives will focus on mindfulness, companionship, tea and cake. The class will be no more than 5. Mostly adults. Possibly children of small sizes. In a delightful and relaxed setting. How does that sound, Mrs Hunt? Would you like to run such classes?
Would I?? WOULD I????
This is the result of a meeting I attended this morning, to learn about a new local community project I’ve been invited to join. It will run for 6 months initially, but it could extend and expand. It might not, but I’ll give it a jolly good run for the money.
Rattle my sequins and knit me a pair of flares! Count me in on this one.