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 What do we think about the aesthetics of knitted crackers? Like these, whose pattern can be found in the December issue of ‘Landscape’ magazine...

Firstly, they are recyclable. That’s a good thing, surely? None of that paper waste malarkey. Once a knitted cracker, then a knitted cracker for generations to come! My granddaughters could pass them on to their granddaughters as a quirky treasured heirloom, along with the weary advice that they are not to be destroyed because ‘Granny Denise will know and come back to haunt you.’ 

And you can fill them with a suitable gift of your choice, so none of that plastic tat waste, either. My gift of choice would be some sort of posh chocolate because it doesn’t clutter up the house afterwards - well not this house anyway. 

But knitted crackers don’t ‘crack!’ They make whatever noise wool makes, which in my experience is on the subdued side. Is that a deal breaker? I’m quite happy to do a Margo Leadbetter, you know, from the Christmas episode of ‘The Good Life’ when she and Jerry find their Christmas cancelled because it couldn’t be delivered as a result of a fracas involving a tree that was slightly the wrong size. So they go to Tom and Barbara, who have created crackers from newspapers, but you had to supply your own sound effects. I could do that. Shout ‘Crack!’ in my best Home Counties accent.

Of course, if I make these crackers, which is likely because they’ve appeared on my November to-do list, I shan’t be using grey wool. I don’t care if it is grey pretending to be festive silver, it won’t happen. I shall stick to traditional red and green. No grey shall deck the merry halls of Damson Cottage THIS Christmas, that’s for sure. 

Having said that, another ‘to do’ on my list is ‘Christmas Bunting’. I actually cut this out two years ago, then put it in one of my sewing boxes and promptly forgot about it. But I found it again last week, when I was rootling through aforesaid box for some embroidery thread. 

‘Aha!’ said I. ‘Another U.F.O! I shall finish you, young fella-me-bunting, before the year is out.’ 

(U.F.O for those of you who are non-crafters, stands for Un Finished Object. Those of you who DO craft will be nodding in sage understanding.)

However, the bunting is of the Scandi-style: red, white, and grey pretending to be silver. It’s got jolly reindeer and perky trees all over it, and snowflakes. But there is definite evidence of grey. However, bunting, by its nature, will hang above my eye level, so I shan’t let myself be too irked by it. It’s on the List - it shall be done. 

Also on my list is to make lavender bags from this year’s lavender harvest. It’s all dried now, and very potent. I almost fell into a coma when I was stripping the flowers from their stalks. I also need to compete the first draft of the Much Malarkey Manor Christmas Extravaganza Story 2020. It’s going very well so far - I’m a week in - especially following an inspired comment from Andy when he sat and listened to me reading the first three days. He said, ‘It reminds me of.................’ and I said, ‘Oooooh yes! That’s a good idea.’ And basically, it’s going down the traditional Christmas Victorian ghost story route, I shan’t say any more, but it’s NOT ‘A Christmas Carol’ because that would be predictable and besides, I’ve done it already.

Having completed my Christmas shopping, I have earmarked a morning to do the wrapping, cat interference notwithstanding, and another morning to make my medieval Christmas pudding, which will happen on 22nd November - Stir Up Sunday. 

And then I aim to complete my Stumpwork Module 3. I’ve got the hang of the freaky hand making now, and have also produced a hat small enough to fit a mouse. I’ve got to make a head next which I’m not wholly looking forward to as it will involve embroidering facial features. It’s not that I can’t do it - it’s a psychological thing involving the connection between eyes and needles. A bit like the film ‘Coraline’. Have you seen it? Where Coraline’s pseudo-mother attempts to replace her real eyes with buttons. Eurghhh. It’s a children’s film, too. Directed by Tim Burton, he of ‘Nightmare Before Christmas’ and ‘The Corpse Bride’ fame. I taught ‘Coraline’ as a scheme of work to Year 8 once. They always squirmed and made sicky noises at the buttons for eyes moment, so it isn’t just me who is squeamish.

Masses to do then, come next Sunday and 1st November lands with a crash on the beleaguered doormat of 2020. This week I am going to complete my moss stitch jacket. Just the top of a sleeve to do, then the usual faff of knitting up and around the neck, which is always a laugh one has to steel oneself for. Then sew up the seams, add some jazzy glittery buttons and there’s  another handcrafted item of knitwear to add to the collection. That’s four this year! I really don’t know what’s come over me. 

I’m also in the mind to add some lovely velvet ribbon to the bottom edge. I think it would add an air of understated glamour to the piece. And you know me - I’m all about understated glamour. 

Talking of which - my birthday present to myself arrive yesterday. It’s the first time I’ve bought a birthday present for myself. But it is something I’ve always wanted and now I’ve lost all this weight I think I can get away with wearing one. I am now the proud owner of...

...a knee length tutu skirt! Which looks FABULOUS with my woolly tights and biker boots! 

(Yes, I probably am having a mid-life crisis. And I don’t care!)


Anonymous said…
The tutu looked fabulous (I have pictures but wouldn’t post them without your permission) Also, without wanting to come across as a Pedantic Pete, Coraline isn’t a Tim Burton film. Not that it matters, it is a great spooky film and buttons for eyes.....shiver! Xxxx
aileen g said…
Well done on finishing some UFO's and mastering teeny-timy hands, but just like a crafter to add some more stuff on to the to-do list. I have had a good week or so of "Getting Things Done", although to add to the mystery of the number of Allen keys I possess there is also the question of why I have so many candles and tea-lights when I hardly ever burn them? Some have been gifts from well-meaning family and friends who obviously struggle to know what to buy for a woman my age (books! chocolate! books! more chocolate! if anyone's interested) but that doesn't explain the number of tall dinner candles in varying colours - none of which match any colour scheme I have had in the last 20 years (cream and brown mainly with the odd bit of green thrown in). Anyway I have put them somewhere accessible in case of power cuts and/or someone important dropping by for dinner.
I too am squeamish about eyes (isn't everyone?) so was a bit perturbed to be told by the optician I have the start of cataracts forming. "They tend to be very slow growing" he assured me but the thought of the operation makes me feel very queasy - so I'm not thinking about it. As for a mid-life crisis - I see it more as "coming into your own" and not giving a monkey's about what other people think. So wear your tutu with pride and panache (a very under-used word in my opinion) as well as the woolly tights and biker boots.
Vera said…
2020 needs a tutu skirt to be worn, that's for sure!
Athene said…
Congratulations on buying a tutu skirt, I think we should celebrate weight loss by dressing differently, otherwise what is the point. Having said that, I have been in jeans and T-shirts/fleeces since March because….

I listed all my UFOs recently, when I got to 20 I decided that I needed to put them in order of priority, and anything over 20 had to be disposed of. I have managed to reduce it to 19 items, not all of these are ones I have started and not finished, some of them are things I want to do between now and Christmas. Some, on the other hand, have been outstanding for years. I love the idea of the stump work and look forward to seeing more of it, as well as reading the Much Malarkey Christmas extravaganza. It wouldn’t be Christmas without it, a bit like ‘Strictly’. Oh, and I’m inclined to agree on knitted crackers - I like the idea of something sustainable and less wasteful, but where is the crack?
rusty duck said…
Well I looked at the knitted crackers and thought how on earth is that going to work? Are they made in three bits? So you can still put in the snappy bit that goes down the middle?
Now that you've embraced Scandi Denise you are definitely on the slippery slope. The way to see grey is as a foil for everything else. Any colour pops louder than a Christmas cracker when seen against grey. And I promise, never ever ever, to say I told you so..
Denise said…
Anonymous (husband) - well, I stand corrected. In my tutu. xx

Aileen, ‘panache’ is indeed an under-used word. I shall attempt to use it liberally from henceforth. I’m with you on the candle thing, too. I love the idea of lighting these dark evenings with candles because of the whole softness and peace of them. However, the peace would soon be shattered by the ever curious Flora and the even more curious Bambino checking out the flames, and the scent of candle would soon be replaced by the stench of burning cat fur. Seriously, they never learn, and because Bambino’s fur is especially thick it takes a while for him to realise he is smoking!

I’m all tutued up, Vera!

Olly, I knew you would understand about the UFOs! I really should be stricter and tell myself, ‘No new projects until all the others are competed.’ And sometimes, I do. But then something delicious and delightful comes along and I can’t help myself. It’s terrible, really. I mean, all that arty crafty shopping that has to be done....sigh....But, like you, I think listing and prioritising them is a good plan. How do you prioritise? Size? Speed? Time?

Jessica, I think the crackers work by undoing the end and removing the contents. A bit dull, really. Maybe some sort of fanfare would be in order? And I think I need to make it clear that I haven’t embraced Scandi. It was more a Scandi accident because the other choices of Christmas fabrics two years ago seemed to consist of Disney and pastel shades and more Disney. My choice was the lesser of the evils. Grey is never going to feature on my list of Top 20 favourite colours. It’s more an emergency ‘it’ll do’ thing. Sorry to disappoint!

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