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And a 5,6,7,8....

 Defrosted the freezer first thing this morning because Andy has been muttering about making cider from the proliferation of apples we have produced this year and to me cider making = wasps, so I thought I’d better crack on getting some of them into the freezer for the making of Future Crumbles. The apples, not the wasps. Wasp crumble? Are you MAD?? 

First batch ready to go. The apples are, supposedly, eating apples, but they tend on the side of tartness so cooking them up to freeze is the best way of preserving them. 

Whilst cooking, I was exchanging messages on the Messenger with Heather about various topics continuing on from yesterday evening when she was suggesting various forms of exercise to me. This is the woman who gets up at the crack of dawn to participate in a boot camp, of all things, on Folkestone sea front. Don’t worry, I’m not in any danger of copying that malarkey, partly because we are at least an hour from the nearest coastline, partly because I don’t like being shouted at, and mostly because it is barking mad behaviour. But she enjoys it. Or at least, she says she does. In between gasping for breath and squealing in pain.

Anyway, she said, ‘How about ballet? You’d enjoy that, Mum.’ And she is correct. I would. However, I have searched online for a local class - there is an organisation called ‘Silver Swans’ who do ballet classes for the over 55s (which I shall be in 7 weeks’ time) but of course, because of the current Situation, there are no live classes at the moment. Nevertheless, I dug out my ballet shoes - yes, I have ballet shoes! - and thought I could find some online classes. 

Here are my feet performing first, third and fifth positions...

I would publish the photos I took of them performing second and fourth positions except, because of the camera angle, they weren’t very flattering, a bit like sequoia trees wearing car tyres.

But ballet - yes. Definitely on the list. In fact, the idea caused me to have a dream last night whereby I dreamt that Damson Cottage had a ballroom that I had forgotten about, plus a second kitchen and a whole series of upstairs rooms leading off undiscovered corridors. Make of that what you will, oh Dream Analyst. It was a bit of a disappointment to wake and discover no such ballroom existed. Heather suggested I build one. She said there was room. I thought, the kitchen will have to do. I can use the towel rail on the Aga as a barré. 

Andy has suggested to me something called ‘5,6,7 Broadway’ which is on You Tube and is a series of learning the dance routines to various popular Broadway musical songs. I don’t know how he came across these videos - perhaps he is secretly performing ‘All That Jazz’ when I’m not looking. Still, I’ve just had a look and it seems like ENORMOUS fun! If either of my children ever get around to getting married, I am going to be the STAR at the reception disco beneath the glitterball in my hot pants! Of course, if I am to participate in ‘5,6,7 Broadway’ properly, it looks like I shall need to kit myself out with a bowler hat, some fishnet tights, some tap shoes and a LOT of sequins and feathers. This can be done. 

I am still considering running. Also on my list of possibilities are : yoga, Pilates (I’ve been to Pilates classes before and enjoyed them), Prancercise (you’ve got to see it to believe it), skipping, hula-hooping, Qi-gong (again, I have tried this before and enjoyed it) and horse riding. I could probably rule out horse riding on the grounds of cost. And not having a horse. 

And now I need to remove my ballet shoes because I cannot feel my toes. 



Anonymous said…
Say what?! Prancercise???! You got me. I’m speechless. Still on the floor laughing so hard it hurts.
Denise said…
Which Prancercise did you watch, KJ? The Prancercise lady or the spiritual man? I mean, c’mon - surely it’s the way to go? I’ve tried Prancercising around the garden - it’s very liberating. Next stop - the supermarket aisles.....
Anonymous said…
The lady! I was considering the supermarket aisles but then figuring there wouldn’t be enough room with my flapping arms.
Denise said…
Have a look at Prancercising- Ultra Spiritual Life by AwakenWithPJ on You Tube, KJ. He takes it to a WHOLE new level! And perhaps a level that is best not tackled before mastering the basics...😂
Anonymous said…
There are certain views that can not be unseen. This is one of them. He talked about that he was fit to tackle a mountain lion. No need. Any mountain lion watching that, is still in therapy. As is the bear we once chased off our food in our underwear. True story.
Denise said…
The mountain lion comment always makes me laugh, KJ. And I think you should blog - I need to hear the bear and the underwear story!
Anonymous said…
Can't get blogger to work on my computer - not that I intend on being a blogger. I am not a writer.


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