Having watched Ken and Alice swooping in and out of the laundry room yesterday, their beaks clogged with gobbets of mud, I ventured therein myself towards the evening to have a nosy and see if I could locate exactly where they are building their nest. For yes, dear reader, they have decided to take up residence! Here, to be precise... ...right across the end of the handle of my red dustpan and brush, hanging from a nail on a beam. Nothing like advertising your presence to the enemy with a dash of bright red, I thought, but then can birds see colours? Are they like dogs that can see only shades of grey? Anyway, Ken and Alice have been adding to the nest today, so fingers crossed eggs will happen and then babies. I am trying to ignore the pile of poop already accumulating in front of the immersion tank. There was a slight altercation when another pair of swallows arrived and went in for a recce of the joint. A stand off ensued with Ken getting all high and mighty and pointing his wi...