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My Television Viewing Cup Runneth Over

Oh the excitement! The anticipation! What boundless joys await me this evening on the televisual machine!  For tonight, not only is there one of my current Top Two Favourite Programmes on - the delightful and transfixing...

but following straight afterwards, the new series of ‘The Great British Sewing Bee’!

Oh, it’ll be wonderful to see Esme, Patrick and Joe back again after too long a break! I am literally jiggling with excitement! I shall be riffling through my fabric stash, heaving out the sewing machine, expanding Marjory, my tailor’s dummy, to my new and not necessarily improved social isolation girth, and whipping me up some elasticated palazzo pants before you can say ‘Ease up on your gusset, missus’, just you wait and see! And if you’ve never seen ‘The Repair Shop’, please have a squizz - it’s hosted by a band of highly talented yet very modest artisan craftspeople, and bobs along for an hour full of gentleness, kindness, and tear jerking, happy making personal stories. It’s calmness for the soul. It is the best kind of TV, if such a thing can exist.

I ventured out today to collect Andy’s prescription. Wasn’t even allowed into Boots the Chemist, who dispense it on repeat for him. A masked and gowned lady leapt from the door as I approached and took details on her clipboard. I flashed Andy’s pre-payment certificate at her (it is my belief we are one of only 11 households in England who still have to pay for their prescriptions), and then I waited on the pavement in the sunshine, dodging folk whose idea of 2 metres was very tenuous indeed, until the same lady reappeared and placed the prescription bag in my proffered-at-arms’-length-bag-for-life
-with-the-watermelon-pattern-on-it. Job done.

Whilst I was out, I nipped into the nearest supermarket, a Lidl. Picked up some veg and salad, and some walnuts because every day I eat an ounce of them as protection for my circulatory system and my brain. Misguided nutrition or not, I don’t know, but I love walnuts and it’s become a bit of a habit now. At least I am weighing them out. 🙄

Came home to find Andy has started to dig out the shallow foundations for the base of the greenhouse. This involves (apparently) lots of careful measuring with string and stuff to ensure the base is EXACTLY straight, and then sending up his drone to view the straightness of his marked out lines from above. I believe actual digging will commence imminently. Meanwhile, here’s a couple of photos from the drone of the fields surrounding Damson Cottage...


Anonymous said…
I could do without the tear jerking but I LOVE The Repair Shop! I really wish I had a talent like that. We are watching the Victorian Bakery at the moment.

Denise said…
KJ - I love the way someone will bring in an item that looks beyond repair it is transformed! And last night I learned a tip about sewing small leather items that are tricky to handle. Should I ever have the need, of course! Hope you continue to be well.
rusty duck said…
Very glad to see progress is being made on the greenhouse! And also, from your previous post, that the primroses are still thriving.
How high does the drone go before it loses radio contact? That would be my fear. That it would end up permanently circulating the planet and become one of those things we go out and wave to after dark as it briefly whizzes past..
Denise said…
Jessica, apparently the ‘safety’ height on the drone is 40 metres. But I am guessing it could probably fly higher if the pilot went wild. The battery won’t let it fly longer than about 10-15 minutes, so no danger of becoming space junk!

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