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As November draws to a close, it is time to brace yourself, dear reader, for the start of the traditional and annual Much Malarkey Manor Christmas Story 2019. Chapter One tomorrow. I’m telling you this now so you can either prepare yourself for the ride (sweets, ice cream in a tub, sick bag) or arrange to leave the country until Christmas Eve. You choose.

This year I’ve had the gift of time on my side so I’ve actually managed to write ahead and have completed up to and including 19th December. 24,000+ words so far; I reckon it’ll pass 30,000 words by the time I’ve written the last 5 days.  It’s a rather novel experience for me to know what happens so far ahead of  the game. I’ve even done some editing! This year, there won’t be the usual ‘arrive home from work feeling frazzled and having to bash out something, ANYTHING, in order to keep the story rolling along’ approach. I’ll let you judge the difference, if any, in quality. There is certainly more quantity. Of course, if I have issues cutting and pasting the pre-prepared chapters across from the word document to the blog, the story might become very short i.e ‘Dear Reader. It’s not happening this year. Merry Christmas. Bah humbug.’ But let’s hope technical wizardry prevails and my temper remains intact.

In other news...

....Bambino is now on a prescription diet for his recurring cystitis issues. This means I have to make sure he eats the new diet and Flora continues eating her anti-furball diet which has been working a treat. And, of course, Bambino much prefers the anti-furball food (because he is used to it) and Flora makes a bee-line for Bambino’s prescription diet. I’ve been playing musical food bowls all week and it has been testing my patience, I can tell you...

...the chickens continue in their attempts to purloin the wild birds’ food. The bird table, which is high enough that the chickens can’t reach it, is falling to pieces so I’ve resorted to using a pink frisbee as a base which is working very well indeed and has the bonus of being very easy to keep clean. Tootsie sits beneath the fat ball holder and jumps on any crumbs that fall to the ground when the tits are giving it some pecking wellie in the air above him. On the plus side, the paving stones are looking very clean... Mum has been given the all-clear at her hip replacement post-op appointment and is back to walking and driving as normal. She asked the surgeon when she could have the other hip done. ‘End of January’ he said. So she’s all signed up to start the process again. Honestly, there is no stopping her now...

...yesterday Himself Lord Malarkey and I went to see the film ‘Knives Out.’ It was VERY entertaining. See it, if you get the chance.

Right! I shall see you tomorrow with Chapter One. As always, I hope you enjoy the read. 🙂


rusty duck said…
Salted caramel ice cream tub for me please.
It is just as well your mum only has two hips. It is sounding addictive.. Good on her, I hope the second op goes just as well.
Denise said…
As luck would have it, we have a tub of salted caramel in the freezer. A big tub. Can you cope?

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