There's a lot of chat these days of 'living in the moment' and there is, I have learned, a lot to be said for avoiding making plans and just drifting with the days as they come along. The last two weeks have been peppered with appointments - dentist, hygienist, chimney sweep, hairdresser, trying to escape my sciatic back, all that kind of malarkey - but I shall wake up tomorrow with nothing on the calendar for the next two weeks AT ALL! A broad plain of nothing planned stretches out before me and it is going to be marvellous! Actually, the days of 'Nothing Planned' started on Friday evening. Drifting through the weekend, then, has proved most productive. I have read two books - 'Dear Mrs Bird' which was a delightful novel I picked up in the library - and 'Confessions of a Bookseller', the sequel to 'The Diary of a Bookseller.' Both of these are by the bookseller, Shaun Bythell, who owns Scotland's second largest second hand book shop. H...