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World Craft Week and Do It Now

Tomorrow heralds the start of 'World Craft Week.' And that has to be a good thing, yes? Especially if you compare it with other national days in the coming week which include: Chocolate Covered Raisin Day, Tolkien Reading Day, Nougat Day, Spinach Day, Manatee Appreciation Day, Something on a Stick Day (yes, really), Triglycerides Day, and Lemon Chiffon Cake Day. Anyway, if you search World Craft Week on the interwebbly, you'll find a free craft magazine download which contains many craft ideas including papercraft, crochet, cross stitch, sewing, quilting and drawing along with some articles about the benefits crafting can have on health and well-being, which those of us who craft already know, but it's always nice to proved right, isn't it? 

The idea is that you try something new and if you like, attempt the 7-daily challenge where you share what you have crafted on Facebook or Instagram. Each day has a focus:
Day 1 : Create with colour
Day 2 : Inspired by
Day 3: Your happy space
Day 4 : Handmade with love
Day 5 : Slow living
Day 6 : Weekend time
Day 7 : What is your comfort food to craft to?

I thought I might have a go, so expect a rush of blogs over the next week. It'll be a bit like the annual Much Malarkey Manor Christmas Story only probably less frantic! Like that's not tempting fate...

This week has been mostly thinking about the future. I know this goes against the grain of 'living in the moment' so I have coupled 'thinking ahead' with 'do it now'. This means I have purchased a new rucksack...
...because I was imagining arriving in people's homes to interview them for their ceremony and I couldn't see myself whacking a briefcase on the table. A rucksack seems more approachable, somehow, and I knew I had made the right decision when I was a telling a friend about my rucksack purchase and she said, 'It's more approachable than a briefcase.' (!!!) And to that end, I also purchased some expandable pocket files...

...pretty, huh? And yet not too 'in your face.'

On the advice of another friend, I shall be heading towards The National Funeral Exhibition in June. It's in Warwickshire which means I may be able to couple it with a visit to Stratford-upon-Avon, one of my favourite places. And I have also started chronicling this journey of the next stage of my life because it could have autobiography potential. Who knows? It is proving fun to write so far.  

This weekend has been rather busy, but in a good way. Yesterday morning Himself and I went to Trentham Gardens for a brisk walk around the grounds. We are both feeling the need to improve our fitness and get outdoors more now that Spring has well and truly arrived. I spent the afternoon sorting out the studio which had become a bit of a dumping ground over Winter what with various bits of building work happening in the house and the need to put 'stuff' in a convenient 'space.' It's looking better now and I have got rid of some 'stuff' which will no longer be necessary to my life come 1st May. Today, we selected a new lawnmower via the method of 'stick a pin in an Argos catalogue' and Andy is currently in the courtyard assembling it. The sun is shining...I am hoping he might test it out any minute now. Because, you know, 'Spring is sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder where the birdies iz...'

Happy World Craft Week! My brain is already buzzing with thoughts. I am looking forward to it enormously.



rusty duck said…
Manatees are so cute. Well worth an appreciation day. And chocolate covered raisin day, well, need I say more. I bet I've missed it.. have I?
Also loving your new rucksack, which has to be the smartest one I've seen. The colour is especially nice. Sort of 'Mouse's Back'?
Vera said…
Hope you had a good World Craft Week. Crafting is good for the soul, so therefore it is wise to make sure that a good stock of crafting equipment is on hand for when it is needed, which of course requires a degree of expenditure. Not to worry, any financial outlay can be justified because you are, after all, looking after your soul!

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