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Showing posts from June, 2019

The Darling Buds Of My Sunday Say So

What I like about the television series 'The Darling Buds of May' is how everyone seems to be active and enjoying life all the time. There always seems to be something going on - you know, fruitful purpose and activity conducted in genial humour and gentle kindness, and the bucolic setting of the Garden of England helps enormously, too. Aah, the Kent countryside in the 1950s! Before the orchards and fields were grubbed up and eroded and filled with concrete 'pon which thousands and thousands of houses were built. Oh but stop me there - I don't want more accusations of being a Little Englander thrust upon me - I've had enough of those, thank you, ever since my thicky, bigoted brain made me vote to leave the EU three years ago and I happened to mention that I rather like Boris Johnson and think he'll make a good prime minister because at least he has a bit of oomph and personality. how STUPID am I? Stupid enough to book a ticket t...

Seconds Away...More Building

I'm still here! I have been reflecting how on earth I managed to fit in a full time job given that since I left teaching I have been so darned busy! I've been gardening, sewing, trying out new recipes - who knew hummus was so easy and instant and cheap to make rather than buy? I have been writing letters like they are going out of fashion to new penfriends in Sweden, Germany, Spain and the UK. I've been doing proper housework, by which I mean moving sofas and sweeping out the cat fur dust bunnies that lurk beneath and behind, and not just giving the floor a cursory brush around the edges so that everything in eyesight at least looks tidy. (Those of you who are now tutting and saying things like, 'Life is too short to spend time on housework,' well, you can jolly well hush. I get a huge amount of personal satisfaction knowing that if Her Maj the Queen were to turn up unexpectedly I would feel very happy to welcome her into my lovely clean and tidy home. Tidy home, ha...