Mrs Poo is the last to leave the breakfast table and not because some of her feathers had welded themselves to the table with maple syrup. She had wanted the others to be caught up with the recording of the Christmas Speech so she could head off in peace and quiet to find her great-great-great grandhen, the Duchess Yekaterina. Soon, though, she is at the door of the Arts and Crafts Room, and from within she can hear noises which sound like a steam train coming into a siding. She gives a tentative knock on the door. ‘Who is zis?’ comes the familiar voice of the Duchess Yekaterina. ‘It’s me – your great-great-great grand henchick, Olga Maria Svetlana Osterick de Polovitska,’ says Mrs Poo. ‘Zen enter vizin, and wonder at ze miracle before you!’ comes the reply. (N.B The Lady Author knows that the other hens are called Laetitia, Betty and Gloria In Excelsis Deo, but do you think she can remember the first name of Mrs Poo? The original and real Mrs Poo, on whom the fictional c...